I was going to write today about a story I read discussing illegal immigrants and public housing. I will leave that to another day. I decided instead to voice my concerns and aggravation I have about my education and the institution I am attending.
I am sitting here tonight trying to figure out how to ask for an advisor to be assigned to me. An advisor ? Who would want someone like that? You can do anything if you pull up your bootstraps and try hard enough right.
Well as I mentioned earlier I was sent a letter telling me that I have too many hours to be able to get financial aid. Then yesterday I received another letter. Ms. College Student, we regret to inform you that your GPA sucks and you could be thrown into the dungeon. Okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration but it did say that I could be suspended. Now I have been down that road before and so I have been working really hard to not go down it again. This semester and last semester I had a 3.0 GPA. So rightfully so, my frustration is mounting. I want to scream and say why hasn't my overall GPA gone up. Calgone take me away! Bit dramatic, I know.
Before I go into a fury of weeping and gnashing of teeth , I decided to go to the school website and see if I could request an Academic Advisor. I go to their web-page. I click on the button and nada. I can't tell heads from tales on how to ask for one. I did find a nice little pdf that talks about what academic advising is.
They want me to be successful. I love this little tidbit “Advisors are always available to assist the students throughout their academic life at ?, but it is a great reward when we’ve taught the students “how to fish” and given them the resources to do so.(ejw)” Well I want to say “ help I've got a stick, line and darn it all I can't seem to catch a fish.
It also talks about an IEP. Hmmm I don't seem to remember getting an IEP. I went to an office, I discussed a few things but to be honest, I got told I had to take a class prerequisite before college algebra and that I needed to talk to a professor in a department to get some of my classes that didn't transferred approved. Now they didn't tell me which classes either. They said to show the professor the transcript and work it out. Next phrase I love “When a student is able to take their IEP and use it to plan their future classes, then Academic Advising has been successful! (ejw)” Maybe that is why I got two letters for Christmas that were more of a piece of coal then a present.
I really do love the college and the opportunities it has provided for me. I am just frustrated that some kind of miscommunication or something has gone haywire and now I am not sure if I will be able to continue my education in the spring. I have waited so long to be able to go back and finish my degree that it is sad that the possibility of doing that is going to be ripped from me.
Well I guess I am going to keep trying and hopefully when I finally get a hold of a human I will try to remember that they have thousands of others they have talked too. I thought about doing a sit in but perhaps Starbucks and a good muffin might be a more appropriate form of action.
Of course I could just surrender. Darn that word! Or powerless. Now that is something I can remember not wanting to admit. But I guess I am powerless, someone else is the only one who can take care of it and I guess I have to surrender it out of my hands if I want help.
Ta ta for now!
Posted by
Visiting Voyeur
I can´t say that I know anything about Your educational system, but why not go to the principals office to ask for help? At least they can push You in the right direction. I remember that You once wrote that You are more or less invisible at times, time to change that now :-)
Don´t leave them until You get answers to Your questions, be more aggressiv!(not meaning You should attack them :-) )Demand answers! I really hope that You can finish Your degrees!
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