I have been busy the last few days. I am taking 16 credit hours of college as well as work 40 hrs a wk so to say I am busy seems a misstatement. The good things so far is 3 of the classes have kind of started on the same foot, scientific method. I am really glad because I am still trying to organize myself so I get it all done and done right. Three of the classes are very important because they are classes that go toward my major. Making a good grade in them is a must.
Okay so I stopped for a few minutes to give my brain a recess and created the following...
This really isn't too random. I am actually studying the different theories and stages so I decided to get creative with one of them. Sometimes doing something like this helps me to remember them better. I have learned about Erikson's Theory before but I needed some refreshing.
Besides studying I actually got some away time this morning at church. I baked some yummy cinnamon rolls (homemade) and had a interesting conversation about entitlement vs servant mentality/how we live our lives vs the role model Jesus presented for us. A lot of great discussion and information. I love it when you can sit with friends and acquaintances discussing things and everyone pitches in so that when you walk away you have a even more balanced thought.
I also read about an article put out by the AP. It discussed the current proposed stimulus initiative and how lobbyist and special interests groups are not counting themselves out even though Pres. Obama has said he will put a stipulation on it so that the money doesn't go to earmarks (pork belly legislation). They are probably right next to me in terms of the thought that the groups have politicians to much in their pockets. The article actually stated as much. The good ole boy mentality of you scratch my back then I'll scratch yours will never be done away with or at least watched over better unless someone really looks into what is going on. I don't think it should be anyone with interests in the outcome either. That tends to push bias into any reports that are made.
Well I guess I need to get back to eeekkkkk evolution and life-span development. I am not a supporter of evolution so I guess I will just grit my teeth and push forward.
Ta ta for now.
Do You have any time over just for You? Seemes to me that You have an awful lot to do with work and studying.
I don´t think that any one lives as Jesus wanted us to. We all are more Like Martha worrying what to do next than her sister Mary that sat down and listened to what he had to say.
So You don´t like evoulotion. I belive it´s the way it works. God never told us how He created the world and how things work after that.
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