Visions & Views from a Visiting Voyeur

Loud mouth insight to the nothing and nowhere. Deep thoughts and questions that have no where else to go...

Tonight, my thoughts are on the devastating fires and flooding in Australia. I believe I heard on the news something that echos my thoughts that it seems so strange to have such vastly different devastation occurring at the same time so close together. I believe from what I last read the fires had killed over 131 people who have been verified as dead with over 500 still missing. Aid and assistance is pouring in from Indonesia, New Zealand, and other places. Though the officials have no doubt that many of the blazes were set they are not releasing any names yet. Over 10,000 animals in the wild have lost their lives as well.

Times like these do tend to bring people together and perhaps give them reason to pause on reflection in regards to how they are living their lives. Some become closer to God or a religious aspect. In psychology some might say this is "terror management". We recognize our own mortality and grasp for something to give us peace or calm to this fear. So is religion holding tightly to some magical thinking that makes us feel safe or more secure in the fact that we will one day die or to deal with difficult situations or is it something that we hold onto because despite our mortality or painful/fearful situations it is real. That God or whatever we ascribe too has changed us. That we have had a true experience that cannot be gauged by what is going on in our lives.

If Terror Management is true does that mean people who are healthier and live less stressful lives are more likely to not be religious? Hmmm. Or if you are poorer and live in a dire setting will that mean you are more religious?

I think some things just can't be explained. Some of what the theory says is probably true for some. However, just because something can't be logically explained doesn't mean that it doesn't exist or is real. Some things just are. If a child reaches out to catch the wind will it not slip between the small fingers and leave the child's grasp empty. Sometimes I wonder what I am doing going into this field when I see so many things that go against my values. Then I remember I am on this journey for a reason. I believe that this is the direction God is leading me in.

So where do you stand?

Ta ta for now...


I think that people that loves them selves also are religius, whatever religion it may bee. Don´t think it has to do with financially or health status. I don´t know in what direction God is leading me, but I know we don´t always agree :-) :-)

Terrible what happens in Australia now!

For what it is worth I believe that God Religon kindness calm are all within us as well as evil fear and all the darkness of man and beast. God stopped leading us when he closed Eden from then on it was up to the individual to call up from with in the good or bad for God and the Devil are in us all.

Who is the better cook?

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This blog is a rambling of different thoughts, subjects and ideas. The world has many things to offer and what might be contained on theses pages is anyones guess. Enjoy.

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