Why does life seem so perfect on Happy Days? Joni loves Chachy... the Fonz is still cool and the gang is fun and games. I was watching it today. Really pretty random. The episode was about Arnold getting married. And the Fonz is the best man. The Fonz of course avoids it like a pro. And Arnold worries about his long distance love doesn't think he is good enough for her.
But reality is not Happy Days. Reality isn't even one of those reality shows. Its getting up and going to work when you don't want to. Its laughing over the ABC's of safe sex. It is crying tears over the fact that the cute guy likes your best friend instead of you. It's heartache and heart swells. Sometimes more of one than the other. But I don't think I would give up life regardless.
I am so thankful for the opportunity to be able get my education. Happy to be able to be me. I know I push folks away. I wonder what they would think if they new how loving and caring I am. That I love poetry, Shakespeare, art, music, the outdoors, animals, people, and romance. I am determined, stubborn, generous, shy, smart, smart mouthed and ornery. I like glitter, finger paints, laying in the water looking up at the sky, counting ceiling tiles, and reading encyclopedias. But I suck in relationships and I doubt myself. I question my stuff and others too. I am normally very honest, not really good at lies and I like it best when people are upfront and honest with me. Wow this sounds like a bad personal ad. Should I delete. Oh well. This is me and reality.
Sometimes I think for me I forget that reality is where I live. I look at other people and things and think that is where I should be. And I fail miserable at trying to be there. That's why I decided long ago to not be anything I'm not. I'm not happy when I try to do that. So those are my thoughts today.. ta ta for now.
Top Chef is one of my favorite shows. I love to cook. It is relaxing and satisfying. To see people enjoy my food is pure pleasure and fills me with pride. So with so much passion for food and cooking why not be a top Chef? Well don't let the female chefs on the show fool you. There is bias in their midst. Female chefs have cooties. It is as simple as that.
Gender bias is by no means a new things. No fellas this isn't feminist male bashing in these lines. This is simply pointing out something that the culinary business is more than well aware of. Females and minorities lag in the ranks in this field. For example let's look at the famous show Top Chef. Out of the last seven seasons there has only been one female winner. She won the 4th season. All the rest of the winners of course were male and most of them were white males. So are men better at cooking?Let's consider this.
Historically, women tend to be the cooks in families. They make our comfort foods and satisfy our sweet tooth. So why in a professional manner do men seemed to be on the top of the heap if it isn't sexist bias? Some say it is due to the high pressure of the job. The job is a high stress job full of hot stoves and food riskiness. Women in some eyes don't take the risks and don't show the confidence that is needed to be head honcho. They also complain more about the long hours, working conditions and leave sooner. These are all things I found as sudo-reasons from the New York Magazine's' A Woman's Place article, http://nymag.com/restaurants/features/39595/. But as the ladies got in to the reasons it came down to stereotypes, money and power plays. They admitted that normally it is easier for a woman to break into being a pastry chef. But to reach for the elusive brass balls is unseeingly inappropriate in the industry. So girls let's step up to the plate. Figuratively for me in the cooking world of course. I have instead decided to head off another male dominant profession. And guys keep cooking the food. This world needs us all doing our thing, but just a bit more equally I think. Ta ta for now...