Visions & Views from a Visiting Voyeur

Loud mouth insight to the nothing and nowhere. Deep thoughts and questions that have no where else to go...

Morning Folks.

In week one I struggled with getting back into a good routine. I ate smaller healthier portions and started the exercise slowly. I felt pumped and positive. I lost 3lbs the first week and that increased my momentum.

In week two my plan was more refined. I really started to focus in on what I need to do to meet my goals. I made a motivation poster and posted on my spark page and my home wall. I increased my exercise and really kicked booty. I was thrilled with my push forward. I have people standing behind me cheering me on. I lost 2lbs but then the scale on weigh in day showed no such weight loss. I was bummed a bit. I had worked hard but the results weren’t there. I remembered back to a previous attempt to get healthy and remember that this is common sometimes. Just like week two on the Biggest Loser I won’t lose the pounds I am looking for and there might not be a good reason.

Starting week three I am try to stay positive and motivated. I won’t lie and say that the no pound lost thing hasn’t somewhat bummed me out. I really wanted to meet my goals. I could go and get some ding dongs and say well at least I tried. NOT! I know that the thing to do is to sit down and review what I did. If I don’t find anything in the plan I need to change then I need to move on and go forward. I can’t lose weight or get healthy sitting on my bum having a pity party. The only thing standing between my goals and me is ME!

I know there are others out there who like me have had those weeks when there isn’t a loss or it was a bad week. I have had weeks before where I lost jobs or my kid was horrible. Days that I just wanted to stay in bed and mop. I just wanted to shut down and turn off. It seems so tough to get up and keep doing what you know you need to do for you. I just want a chance to have more good days then bad. I want to know that I gave myself ever opportunity to be the best me I could be. No Regrets! That is what I want my kid to have and why shouldn’t that apply to me as well. I deserve to fly too!

Ta ta for now!

I am using Sparkpeople to assist in my journey. Check it out.

I can't believe this year is almost over. It seems like it just began. And it has been an emotional few years too. But it has been successful too. I have gone back to college, gained more confidence and started getting healthier. I am amazed by it all.

I am currently working on my journey to lose over 100 lbs. As of this past weigh in on Saturday I am down 3lbs. To get me to my goal of a weight between 130 and 150 lbs. I am starting with walking 2 miles a day and alternating on odd and even days with circuit training and my elliptical. I am also trying to make better eating habits. I actually am not a big junk food junkie. I think my biggest kryptonite is sweets, breads and sugar. I actually done well in the last week to cut down my intake of sugar but still am struggling with breads. I made cinnamon rolls this last weekend for a gathering and did okay until Sunday night. Bam! I found myself eating two of those devilish things. Hey I’m not going to pretend that they weren’t great. Those delicious morsels however are going to cost me one way or the other. I need to hold myself accountable and say hey if you eat those yummies then guess what you get to do some extra exercise to get rid of them. We will see if I can accomplish this. I am not a health nut convert yet.

As far as activity this weekend was okay. I walked my 2 miles both days. I also got together with my "cluster" which is a group church that meets in a person's home. It was an awesome time. We prayed and thanked God. I have been told and found that being gracious and having a thankful heart and attitude improves your life 100%. I am grateful that I have been given 2nd and 3rd chances. I am grateful that I have the means to realize my dreams.

If you’re looking to get healthier and are looking for a resource to help with that I would highly recommend I know several folks who have been able to go from couch to running marathons. Others have lost a grown man in weight. It has tons of support and resources that fit easily into your life.

Well I need to wrap this up. I am glad I get to share my journey with you. Life is just more fun when it is lived with others. I hope you really will look into Sparkpeople. It is well worth it. As this week progresses I am going to continue trying to stay in a heart and attitude of grateful living. I wish the same for all of you. Ta ta for now!

Today's tune of inspiration:

Who is the better cook?

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This blog is a rambling of different thoughts, subjects and ideas. The world has many things to offer and what might be contained on theses pages is anyones guess. Enjoy.

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