Hotel Love :) And the street in front of it is made of bricks as well... which is original to the beginning of the town.
The sunlight is just peaking throught the clouds.
Next is a Clematis that we have planted near our front walk way.
I am not sure what this one is. I know that it is a flowering vine. The white flowers are small and smells nice.
These are purple mexican petunias. Very pretty but not much of a fragrance.
Now for the Morning Glories which are both one of my favorite and birthday flowers. I love the blue. I was nervous there for a bit that they wouldn't bloom but here they are with another flower in my garden.
And to round it off like Christer would here is a picture of our cat Patches as he lays in front of my computer screen. When he wants attention he wants it now in standard fat cat style.
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